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Welcome to 2017 new and the old
Now the new year is rolling around there are some things you should revisit or even do if you have new toys.
Let’s start with the old stuff that you should revisit.
First you should go through your accounts, yes all of them, and see what can be removed. Like many of us we at the time think we need an account but find out that we never or hardly use it so remove it. Of course before you remove it note what places use it or send stuff to it. Would be bad to remove an account thinking it was UN-needed account and find your key tax or stock information gets sent to it, not good. If not sure then note the account and watch it from time to time as things are sent to it then go to the sending account and change it. If it’s an email account and not sure, then make it in-box-zero. That means clear it out so no mail is there, it has some advantages. First it will make you feel good that you now have a place that is clutter free. It will also make it harder for companies to make a portfolio/file on your likes and connections and make it easier to see what you get that is needed and what you get that is junk. I also want to say that there are E-mail and IM services that encrypt send and receiving of messages, thats the time and look at them.
Next in the list of revisit is to change the account password or your important sites and systems if not done in the last few months. There are many ways to define passwords from letter number combination to first letter of a saying you like. The key point is to not reuse it on other accounts that you have. Use a password manager there are many around from Lastpass, Mypass, even use an encrypted document with the password (with this one do not put it on a cloud service) to store so you can use different ones. This works with e-mail, banking, etc. Also the security questions that many are asking you when first created you do not need to tell the truth, in fact lie and make up an answer for them, just remember to document it so you will be able to retrieve it when asked.
Since we are going into the list, now is a good time to look in the scraps of papers that have account and password and put them in the file as well so you will have quick access to them. Put them in a few different places and different formats like paper in the safe as well as electronic HDD and thumb-drives. Do make sure if in electronic format it is encrypted in some way and another person knows the password if something happens to you. All forbid you die and your accounts are locked away in your dead brain never again accessible by your loved or hated ones.
Now let’s hit on the new toys and stuff you got.
If you’re lucky or perhaps unlucky you got some gadgets for the holidays that need to be set up and connected to other electron things that you have. Crack out the electronic document, paper and pencil or pad and pencil to start a document folder on them. Yes you may say why do I need to document the new cheap gadget I just got? Trust me, it will make your life easier in nine months or so when it needed to be reset and you no longer remember what you did to set it up the first time, yes a pain, but worth it.
Many new gadgets like web-cams, routers, TV, refrigerator, IoT (Internet of Things) devices have a default passwords and account on them, CHANGE IT, CHANGE IT. If you can’t change the account or password then “DO NOT USE IT” send it back and get your money back. Sure, the devices may be cheap but the manufactures still need to think about security. The best way for them to see it is with your pocketbook, don’t use them, or get a better model that allows it to be changed. Devices called IoT or Internet of things are quickly becoming the attack vector of choice for bad-people. From DDOS (Distributive Denial of Service) to use of it to spy on you and your kids. The devices are a treasure trove for them. Don’t make it any easier for them and don’t become a part of the IoT bot-nets that are used to create large traffic bottlenecks to places and slow down the Internet for us all. Taking the time now will benefit all of us later. When creating a password use the longest it will allow, most likely you will only change it once, so make it a very long and complex one. If it allows you to change the account name then make it something not recognized as a device. Before you open it up to the network explore the document and the device itself, know how it is supposed to work so you will be able to recognize when it is not or has been attacked. With the IoT devices some things to look for: If there is a remote management access via outside of your network then “Turn it off” if possible. Think if it this way, why do you need to tweak with the device from an Internet Cafe after its been set up? Setting up the device local first to what you want. If from time to time you find an issue then connect and adjust when you are at home. A pain maybe, but security is the bottom line for all IoT devices. Never just plug it in and think it’s done, because then someone else will control it, not you.
Make sure you are all patched up on your devices, from phone to computer to doorbell. Many devices allow for updates and patches to fix problems. If you don’t know how to update it and do not want to know maybe the device is not for you, better yet learn how to update it. Get help if you need it, much of what you need to know is freely available if you just take a little time and look for it. Yes at times things will change, programmers love tweaking to make it “better”, but in the long run it will fix security issues for the benefit of all.
Some final thoughts for the new year : First off, security is hard, it is what it is, it takes time and effort to get it right, this is not to say the effort is not worth it, it is. You will be rewarded if you take the time and walk through the steps to make it very difficult for others, I am speaking of people that want to steal your information to get the data. If a group or people with enough resources let’s say a state or nation want to get your data or attack your system they will and you will lose, sorry but they have more funds then you. You by taking the time, can make it harder for them to do so. Next keep in mind if something is free then it is you that are the product that they are selling, yes Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and the others may give you “free stuff” but there is a reason the owners and value of the business is worth what it is, you are the product being sold. Also note you do not have to give them correct information or at times information at all, lying works quite well. Some services will not work and if you like them then by all means use them, but remember there is a cost. With that thinking also ask yourself, do I really need to use the service? The answer may surprise you and contradict what you hear by the business pressing the service on you. Don’t always take what is being given as truth, question it, question the reason for it, look to other options. You can say no to it. This works with your security and life in general. Have a Happy New Year!
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